What's Happening @ WWB ↓

Grid Time

12 Feb
This is our regularly scheduled weekly roleplay for our entire group, which is open to approved characters.  However, we invite visitors to observe from a reasonable distance, especially if you are considering joining!  Please stop by the Brigantia Isles Roleplay group information center at the WWB Roleplay Hub for more visitor's information and landmarks.


13 Feb

Unscripted free form roleplay; open to OOC observers. Medieval or fantasy attire is required. Meet at the Ravenquest Clubhouse on the WWB Roleplay Hub.

Wyldwood Bayou Grid Status

Grid Status: Online
Total Regions: 42
Today visitors: 1
Visitors (30 Days): 108
Total Residents: 90
Online Now: 0
Hypergriders online: 0